I am excited to be the Library Media Specialist at Summerdale this year. I can actually call it "home" now- Mom has been busy making curtains and it is looking really good! I want the students to LOVE coming in and getting books. We have TONS of new books to add to the collection thanks to Title I funds and a grant written last year. I am VERY excited about getting them out for the students to see!!
Now, thinking back to July...
Blaine enjoyed getting to stay in Foley and take a little golf clinic. He really enjoys golf...it's hard to say that with some of the other team sports. I think he likes playing soccer and baseball, but right now he REALLY enjoys golf and asks to play it. I hope this continues for him. He and I have been reading Smells Like Dog and Smells Like Treasure together this summer. They are fabulous books! He reads Flat Stanley, Hank the Cow Dog, and The Boxcar Children on his own. I hope he continues his motivation to read in 3rd grade!
Sarah Claire decided she wanted to take an acrobat class this summer.
There were only four girls in her class. She is signed up for the flips class at Little Gym in the Fall. I really want her to have a chance to try gymnastics...we shall see! She is continuing dance...she loves that! It has been so good to listen to her become a more fluent reader this summer. We've been doing lots of First Grade level reading...I really hope she "takes off" this year! Her confidence is picking up- her favorite books this summer are Madeline, Pinkalicious, Kevin Henkes books, and she loves Dick and Jane...
She and Blaine took an art class for three days and came home with some fabulous art work that is now hanging in their hallway upstairs!
Anna Britten's ballet class...her expression says it all...
She loved everything about dance- She also went to a Barnyard camp at Little Gym. She loves Little Gym, so she will also be taking a class there after Sarah Claire.
We went to Sea, Sand, and Stars with cousins...the kids got to see fish, take a nature walk, touch all kinds of sea life- including a sting ray.
Fun times!!
We celebrated Catie Beth's birthday with a FUN cousin party!
Sarah Claire lost her first tooth this month!
Short bob for Sarah Claire heading into school!
My three kiddos! What a summer!