Blaine is playing soccer two nights a week, so Tuesdays and Thursdays are spent at the soccer field. He is loving it and has a good little team. He has scored a goal in three of his five games- his confidence is building and I love the fact that he is actually "getting into" the game!
My sweet kindergartener! This was last Friday before her Teddy Bear picnic- she LOVES school. I am so glad! I am very proud of her- she is beginning to "read" and I LOVE seeing her BIG smile when she reads one of her little books! Our hardest mornings are THursday and Friday- the week begins to catch up with her, but she is improving!
Just thought this was funny. We were walking through Target looking at the costumes and AB decides these are a good fit- what do you think? I just had to laugh!
A purse is usually pretty close to her at all times. Love the fact she likes this purse- it was made by one of my dear college friends, Susan.
This is what I love to watch in the afternoon!
On our way to watch Walker play soccer last Saturday- of course Daddy gives them popcicles at 7:45 in the morning!
Mrs. Betty and I took the kids to the Exploreum last Saturday. They had a blast!
One of Sarah Claire's friends, Ellie Grace, had her 6th birthday party last Saturday. I pray that she always has such sweet friends.
Mark made breakfast for supper last Sunday while I was in a meeting- sweet hubbie. He doesn't really like it, but the kids and I LOVE it!
Anna Britten and her "sparkly" toes!
This is what we do with markers instead of drawing with them! Isn't it fun?
Blaine and I have just finished the book Dolphin Tale about Winter, a dolphin caught in a crab trap and rescued at 3 months old. She lost her tale and a vertabrae from her injuries. It is such an inspiring story. The movie comes out this weekend and stars Harry Connick Jr. (a reason to see it too!) and Ashley Judd. Go here to see Winter on a real web cam and read her story. Truly amazing!