Came across this quote as I was having my quiet time yesterday and really meditated on it...something I need to remember always!
Football season has begun and we are a divided family once again! Mark changed both of these dresses later on to Auburn so when he left for work, I promptly switched them both to BAMA! Roll Tide!
We went to Foley last Friday night to visit Mom and Dad. The kids enjoyed themselves...we had a picnic supper and walked down to Graham Creek where the kids looked for alligators (ha)!
Blaine had his opening day of soccer this past Saturday. I believe he is really enjoying it. So far, he has played three games (one practice) and scored a goal in each.
Us before church on Sunday- 9/11- hard to believe it has been ten years. I was captivated by all the stories of the people lost- heroes, once again. I remember that I was teaching First Grade in Summerdale that day. I heard the librarian come out and yell down the hall- you've got to come see this! (She was the only one that had a tv...) We (the teachers) just stood and watched in horror- as I walked back to my classroom that morning, thinking about all those innocent children that were soon to learn what happened- their little lives, all of our lives would be changed by this. Many parents came and checked their children out of school. I remember calling my brother, who, I knew, would be affected by the events of that day. He served two deployments to Iraq... so proud of him and all the other soldiers that have served since that day. We will never forget...

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