Time sure does seem to be flying by... I look back over these past few weeks and think how blessed I am, but often struggle with "in the moment" little things! For example, my kids are having a hard time with words and being nice to one another- it's a daily struggle at our house! I know it's normal, but I let it get the best of me sometimes! The verse I have written out and now is hanging on our refrigerator for our family to memorize and discuss is "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1 These daily "little" battles can build up and get the best of us! Anna Britten is in a VERY independent stage right now and getting into EVERYTHING!! I often find her on top of counters plundering through cabinets! I love her dearly, but she is about to get the best of me too!
Leigh, Mom, and I took a trip to Birmingham a couple of weeks ago. We had so much fun shopping- yes, we went to every mall there! We also went to see Alabama play Vanderbuilt for homecoming. It was a lot of fun!
Roll Tide!
Anna Britten is going to be Ariel for halloween. Leigh bought her a purple leotard for part of her costume (it is so very cute- more on it later). This leotard comes out at least once every other day! We even "tried" a ballet class at Creative Outlet where Sarah Claire takes, but I have decided she's not quite ready yet!
And a pose...
Blaine and Sarah Claire had a "smart walk" to school for this month. Mark and I both got to walk them to school.
We now have a COLD SNAP here in Fairhope and had to try it out. The kids love the fact they get to make their own yogurt creation! It was a little "last hurrah" before Leigh went back to Texas!
Mark celebrated his birthday last Friday. The kids decorated the kitchen for him with balloons, streamers, and signs...
The "red plate" and special birthday dinner.
We went to visit Grandmother last weekend. We had a great time even though it was a short visit. I love this picture of all but two of her Great-Grandchildren. Our family sure is blessed!
Blaine is doing so well on his reading. He had his first book report due this week. He read the book
Tornado by Betsy Byars. He loves to read the Magic Treehouse Books and he is also loving Beverly Cleary's
The Mouse and the Motorcycle series.
He had his last soccer game this week...his team was The Fury!
Love this of Sarah Claire...she and Kit in matching gowns fast asleep!
A few FuN pics to end on...