This is Blaine trying sushi- NOT!! He was pretending, but I thought he just might accidently eat it. No luck!!
Our Friday movie nights continue- I am introducing the kids to classics like Swiss Family Robinson, The Sound of Music (they LOVED), and The One and Only Genuine Original Family Band (One of my favs!!!). This past week our church had a KNO (Kids Night Out) so Blaine and Sarah Claire got to see The Lion King in 3D.
What is she up to?
Blaine has been studying landforms at school- his class made a landform map out of dough- it was soooo cool! Of course, he had to add the star wars plane!
We went to eat supper with David, Mindy, Walker, and Lucy while they were camping and this was the ride home....
Mark volunteered to work at the jubilee festival, so the kids and I went to visit. We had a good time...
This same weekend was special because Mark was ordained as a deacon at church. What an honor and blessing to be able to serve our church in this way. So proud of him!
More pics from the Jubilee Festival!
Thought this pumpkin cookie was cute- got it from Panera!
I went on a field trip to the Daulphin Island Sea Lab last week with Blaine's class. It was a fun trip- so glad I can do these things!!
Making cupcakes last Saturday!
This outfit cracks me up- she dressed herself and carried the purse around as she walked outside.
Growing up way tooooo fast!!

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