I love to hear children sing...especially Christmas songs! Sarah Claire really enjoys singing. Here is a glimpse of her during the church Christmas choir program...
She is very comfortable on stage. More of her performing in her class program...
Mark and I are so proud of her progress with half a year of kindergarten behind her! She is reading and loves Math! I'm not sure if there is a part of school she doesn't like. Her class is precious and I cannot say enough about her teacher. Mrs. Privett is such a wonderful teacher with a strong academic approach...but she mixes a little structured play, art, and science so that the children LOVE her class! I think we are so fortunate to have her!
Our sweet Sarah Claire!
Blaine also performed in the 1st-6th grade choir. He is one that prefers NOT to be in the spotlight...we were so proud of him! They did an excellent job!
Not sure what to think about this little one...she almost made it up to the stage while her sister was performing...
Our Christmas began at Bebe's house...
Always so much fun...Bebe knows just what they want, Ruthie (American Girl doll) for Sarah Claire, Optimus Prime for Blains, and an Ariel vanity for Anna Britten!
Sweet cousins- look like brothers to me!
The next night we traveled to see Gran, Grandad, "E", Uncle Drew, Aunt Deepti, and Ava...
Stopping by the Christmas Village in Foley.
Playing with Ava.
Our Christmas Eve...
Santa came...
Ready for church...
Happy Birthday Jesus!
more to come...