I know there is some debate on "Santa" and "the Elf on the shelf" but my take is it is all in fun...I enjoy being creative and having an elf around the house is fun for me as well as the kids! I have read The Boy with a Wish to my kids about the real St. Nick- who was generous and kind. There are lessons to be taught through "Santa". I look at Santa like I look at Disney World- it's just magical and it's a good kind of magic... if my kids were asked what the real meaning behind Christmas is- they could tell you! In fact, they LOVE the Christmas story and talking about our nativity!
Our biggest Christmas present this year has already come....Sarah Claire has asked Jesus into her heart. She and I prayed together about three weeks ago one night before bed! Her little heart was stirred this past Spring when our church presented the Promise...she has been asking questions ever since. One night she told me she was ready to ask Jesus to come live in her heart. Being so young, I my thoughts were..."Does she understand?" She does! We sat down to pray with our Children's minister two weeks ago...
What a special moment! She will be baptized soon- what a way to begin 2012. So thankful...another answered prayer!
December brings so many things...fun memories to cherish...
I was able to chaperone Sarah Claire's field trip to the Nutcracker...our friend Sarah danced in it! She did a wonderful job!
Mailing her letter to Santa at Page and Pallet!
Pelican's Nest experiment!
Fun friend party at Sadie's house!
Pretzel's with Daddy!
Gingerbread houses at school!
Christmas program at school.
Blaine made top ten AR readers in second grade for the AR point period. He worked (and read) really hard! So proud of him!
Blaine's book report on Robin Hood!
Second grade Christmas Party!
We got to keep sweet Anna Cate for a few days...Anna Britten loved being a little Mommy!
Gingerbread house FUN!

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