When Anna Britten has a moment of "strong will", we sit her in time out on the rug by the front door. This happens a great deal in our house now, so it is a frequent thing to find her sitting there. Blaine's time out is a loss of privalege, although we have spanked him on occcasion. Sarah Claire usually just takes a verbal warning, but she has been know to have a time out also. This summer, our house seems to be full of sibling fights- I feel like I need to be wearing a black and white striped jersey! Yesterday was a particularly hard day- I was physically and mentally worn out by the time Mark came home. As I sat down to have my quiet time this morning, I read the verse,
Be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for man's anger does not accomplish God's righteusness. James 1:19-20 I sat there for a moment and just took in those words...so many times, their behavior is a reflection of my own. I thought back to yesterday and all the times I just jumped on them for something petty- my best teaching is to set an example to them of how I react when I am angry...trusting God is taking care of the situation. Funny thing is, I read the verse,
Indeed, we have all received grace after grace from His fullness. John 1:16 at the beginning of the week. Grace- I haven't had much with my children this week!! When I think about all the grace I need each day- I should be quick to give it away to others. SO- I will continue to work on putting myself in more "Mommy time outs" and think about grace a little more each day...
So blessed to be the mother of these two!
Spent Monday with a sweet friend from high school, Indie, and her two precious children Elliott and Millie. It was fun getting together and catching up on life!
Tuesday we went to see Cars 2 with my Mom. (Needed that grace when AB spilled SC's icee down my leg during the movie and then preceded to hop in it!) We also got to watch SC's hip hop class. It was so fun!
Mark called us to come to Wells West which is a RV/camper park that just happens to have trains. He had an after hours function there. So we ended our day riding the trains.
Today I found the kids in the living room watching tv like this...
We took a trip to Kangarooz with our church preschool play group today...it was lots of fun. Blaine got to enjoy a movie and pizza with the older kids.
Getting ready for a family vacation with Mark's fam to the mountains! Looking forward to it. So need to go pack...this is what awaits me first...
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