It took me a while to get this picture...he wasn't quick to take the gauze out of his mouth.
We thought once the tooth fairy came he would be good. This is the note he left the tooth fairy...
The story behind the note is he has literally LOST his first two teeth and had to leave only NOTES for the tooth fairy.(The first tooth he swallowed and the second was lost by his darling little sister AB!) We almost had the same thing happen today walking to lunch with Mark. We were walking along the sidewalk and both teeth came out of the treasure chest (I had asked him to put the treasure chest in his pocket.) We found both after being on our hands and knees..(I am sure people on the road wondered what we were doing!) The note was written- the first sentence out of his mouth in the morning, was "I guess the tooth fairy isn't rich anymore, she only left me three half dollars..." Hmmm...guess we need to speak to the tooth fairy!

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