It has been such a good week for Anna Britten and me. I have to admit, she has been very clingy this summer and not very good about entertaining herself. She has such a funny little personality and I love when it comes out! This week it has been all about her at home and she has enjoyed every minute! She and I have had uninterupted time which hasn't happened in a long while.
A few pictures of my little diva(she loves to walk around in "fancy shoes" as she says and sunglasses...)...
She got to go see Mrs. Linda and her classroom this past Wednesday. We love Mrs. Linda- AB had her last year also. She begins next Wednesday and I think she is very ready to be back! That same day we went to visit Mrs. Missy who will be keeping her on the days when I go back to work part time in October. Kendall was there- her sweet little buddy from last year. They had fun reconnecting! We also will be going to the Little Gym on Thursdays- she LOVES it! I didn't do it with Blaine and Sarah Claire- didn't really have the opportunity. It has been exactly what she needs- I love that it is playing with a purpose.
So most mornings once we drop Blaine and Sarah Claire off, she and I come home and eat breakfast. She has been going straight up to her room afterwards to "get dressed". She actually takes her pj's off and brings her outfit that I have hanging on her closet for the day downstairs. I guess she is afraid she might miss something if she is not dressed. While I clean up the kitchen, she plays around in the little toy closet. We then have been reading books. While I get a shower, she watches Sesame Street. We've gotten into a little routine...but what I love most is she has been so pleasant! Now, she does miss her brother and sister- throughout the day I hear, "When are we going to pick Sarah Claire up?" and "Where is Blaine?" I am so glad to have this one-on-one time with her.
Coloring Dora
She loves playing with the "Little Family" house!
This is how we look most days- I love it!! I love to hear the clicking of her "fancy shoes" all over the house!

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