This past week I went with some friends to see The Help- I cannot say enough good things about it! LOVED it!!! I think I feel a connection to the characters in the story. My mom grew up in Mississippi and when I visit I feel like I take a step back in time. When I read the book, I couldn't get enough of the characters- and how their lives were chosen for them. It took me back to the memories of Mary, my Grandmother's maid when I was little. Oh how we all loved Mary (and her delicious cooking) and she loved us. I believe there was a mutual respect there- she took care of my Grandparents and they took care of her! Those memories are sweet and comforting- I never saw the other side and what was portrayed by some in the movie. It was emotional to me and I have been pondering over so many different aspects of the book. May go back and reread it after I read the other books I have on my bedside table.
I went and bought 5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter and 5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Son by Vicky Courtney. I have just started reading the "Son" one- for some reason, I have more of an urgency to read this one! (Maybe because we have had somewhat of a difficult summer with Blaine) I will say, I LOVE what I have read so far! Basically, the first conversation is about letting your son know it is ok to be a "MAN". I guess that this one I really hadn't thought a whole lot about, but she is right in that society today does seem to "wimp" down a guys role. Chivalry and being a gentlemen is not out of date- I still have four more conversations to go- I do believe these are going to help me as Blaine grows older in a culture that seems so watered down in many ways-
My mom just sent me Tim Tebow's book Through My Eyes- I started it last night and I am already taking parenting advice from his parents! For example, I love that rule his parents had that came from Proverbs 27:2 Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips The rule was- you cannot talk about yourself (BRAG)> If someone asks you about yourself, you can answer. Love it! I have been trying to instill an "Others before yourself" attitude in my kids. We have a little(long) ways to go yet- but this rule fits in nicely with the road I want to take with my kids as far as humilty.
Blaine met his teacher, Mrs. Word, this week. His eyes lit up when he entered the room- he knew so many names! Mrs. Word was so WONDERFUL! I am excited about what is in store this year!
The girls, Mark, and I had a special ice cream treat this week!
Having a little outside fun with "shades".
Today was the "blessing of the backpacks" at church. School is here! I have two kids ready to go- so thankful for good schools and teachers:)

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