I began this blog to have something for our family to look back on as we take the journey of life together. I hope my kids enjoy looking back on the memories our family is making on the way...along with the trials our family faces and learns from!
Our family on vacation at the beach! We love the beach!
I began running a little over a year ago- I did it because I had never been a runner, in fact, was never great at running. I knew I needed to set a goal and go for it when it came to running- my goal was a 5K. Paul talks about setting goals in his letter to the Phillipians...Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me...Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. I see my Christian walk as a race---my personal race! Paul's goal was Christ's goal for him. I need to trust that God always provides me the resources, but I have to use these resources to meet the goal He has for me! I have to think- "Don't I want this for my life? Christ's goal for me?" Just like running- I am going to have to overcome trials!
Mark and I began building our first house before we were engaged. We knew we would be getting engaged, but it was interesting trying to give input on our house while just dating. It was a trial period for us as a couple- at the time, I was teaching full time, going to school for my master's, and knew soon I would be planning a wedding. Mark was in the midst of a job change. In fact, the day he proposed to me in front of my class on the last day of school, he had interviewed for a branch manager position at First Gulf Bank- talk about a BIG day for him. We LOVED our first house because it was built by family- a lot of LOVE went into building that house (which caused a lot of stress at times too!) We brought Blaine home to 606 Gayfer. The housing market began to take off and we realized that it would be a great time to look for something a little bigger for the family we wanted. Perfect timing- we found a bigger house in a neighborhood and were able to sell our Gayfer house for an AWESOME price!! So, here we go on our little adventure! One and a half years later we bring Sarah Claire home to 201 Orleans! We decide to try our luck again and put the house on the market...no luck this time! My husband, being who he is loved to "house hunt" on weekends so we went to many "open houses" at this point in our lives. (Even though our house was already off the market!) One Sunday, while at an open house, we are walking around a neighborhood I fell in love with! I also fell in love with one particular house in the neighborhood. Well, we knew that nothing was going to happen because our house was now off the market. So we just decided to be content with our own house at the time. Things happen so quickly with us- Mark comes home one day and tells me the builder (Whom he had a business relationship with at the time) had called him interested in doing a "house trade". Wow- we didn't see that coming! We decided "yes" this is exactly what we need to do!! So...we brought Anna Britten home to 509 Cromwell Avenue one year later! Our neighbors on Cromwell were wonderful- Blaine had a best friend that lived next door. The kids were able to play outside all the time with sweet neighbors! We just knew we were "home" for the long haul!
Blaine and Sarah Claire standing in front of 509 Cromwell- we moved in one week before Christmas!
Well, the race I think may be "marked" out for us does not always take the path we want! The economy was beginning to turn and even though Mark and I had been careful not to get ourselves in a great amount of debt, we knew that times may be hard soon. We wanted to make the right choices for our family and do what God wanted us to do. Our growing family needed a vehicle that we could travel in comfortably so we decided to buy a van which meant Mark had to trade in his truck he loved. First step....next we decided it might be a good thing to be a little more liquid, so we traded our tahoe to his parents for the blazer he had bought right before we began to date. GULP....hmmm- what was coming next? I really began to pray about financial decisions. I could see the stress in Mark- I was not working at the time- had just completed my certification in library media. God began placing on my heart to put our house on the market- WHAT??? This was the house I LOVED, this was the neighborhood I LOVED- hadn't we already made enough sacrifices financially? Mark and I prayed and talked about it- the idea of moving into his parents house began to enter my head. We knew his parents plans were to eventually move into his Babi's house and downsize. So--- we put our house on the market- CRINGE---AND it SOLD within THREE months in a housing market that was the PITS!!! Hmmm- what was God's will?- I have never felt so smack dab in the middle of God's will for our family than at that point! We, of course, had to be ready to move out much sooner that we had planned and move Mark's parents out of their house much sooner than they planned! I had such a PEACE about everything, though! Paul's words again in 2 Timothy 4:7-8 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge will award me one day- and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing." Mark and I were learning that material possessions do not mean a thing- what does mean a thing is that we are living like God wants us to live- nothing else matters but that we are following His will for our lives. Knowing that we keep our faith along the journey hoping that we can say these exact words of Paul.
Our home- 217 Simon Street
Rick Warren inPurpose Driven Life states "The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment...your peace of mind, or even YOUR happiness- It's far greater than your family, your career, or your dreams/ambitions- If you want to know why you are placed on this planet, you must BEGIN with GOD. You were born by His purpose and for His purpose."
I am learning that God often reveals His will one step at a time-- giving us direction for that season--probably because we can only handle that much!! What a FAITH BUILDER!!
I thought I wanted to be an accountant before I went to Samford, but soon realized that my calling was to be a teacher. I loved teaching- but once I had Blaine my desire was to be a mommy! I taught one year after having Blaine, but still had the desire to be a mommy! Once I had Sarah Claire, Mark agreed for me to stay home for a few years. I am so glad I have had this time with the kids. I decided to work on my Library Media Certification while home- in fact completed it right before I had Anna Britten- LITERALLY- two weeks before she was born.
So thankful for these three blessings!
Even though I loved teaching, I loved the reading part the most! So- thought that this would be ideal. Before we sold our Cromwell Avenue house, Mark and I discussed me going back to work if I could find a library job. I began the job hunting process taking my resume to different schools. (Schools that I knew may have a library opening within the next year or two.) As it turns out, I was offered a part time job at Silverhill School as a computer teacher. How perfect right? So- I took it. That job turned into Curriculum Coach last year which means I look at lots of data and present it to the teachers to guide them when they are devloping lessons for their students. The media specialist retired last year mid-year and I thought I would get the job. It was offered to someone else, so I just kept on hoping and praying for the opportunity. What I have learned is when God wants something to happen, it does. The person turned the job down, I was offered the job, and I would be the temporary interim media specialist for the rest of the year! It was great, but being very truthful, very stressful for me as a mother. For most of the semester, I was leaving the house before 7 to get to my gym duty EVERY day! No fun:( With the K-1 School closing in Fairhope, I knew that my job would be on the chopping block- I was in a "temporary" position. The K-1 media specialist needed a position and Silverhill was the place, so I was "terminated" (harsh word I know, but I was!) To be completely honest, I looked at this as a blessing in disguise- I have one chance to be a mom to my kids at the ages they are now. I want to be the best mom I can be- so now I can focus on my kids!
Silverhill School Library
My first book fair at Silverhill.
Another Rick Warren quote...God was thinking of you long before you ever thought about Him. His purpose for your life predates your conception- He planned it before you existed without your input. You can choose certain aspects of life (job/husband/hobbies) but you cannot choose your purpose- That purpose fits into a larger cosmic purpose that God designed for eternity. After thinking about this quote, I realize that no matter how bad I mess something up, God will rework it for His purpose using another tool! I want to try to get it right the first time- I know this will not happen because I am not perfect, but striving for it is a goal!
I do know that God will never call us to do anything in our own strength- but He does call us to do things beyond our strength as we learn to walk by FAITH! We will come out more refined going through these tests and trials. Romans 5:3-5 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings because we know that sufferings produce perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us. Suffering is not meaningless, God wants to produce character in His children.
Peter and John were just ordinary men- but as they began to spend time with Jesus, they began to develop a boldness and courage of character to teach and live a life of Christian example to others.(Acts 4:13) Such an example to me-
The journey continues...and I hope to...Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Mark has been working at Wal-Mart for almost a year now. He took this job last October when he knew his bank job would be coming to an end. God had a plan- the plan was another job would be opening for him. At the time, we had no idea what would be happening next--we went from almost no job to us having four jobs between us (I sell Kelly's Kids on the side:). God always has a plan...we are such planners, but our plans are taking many detours and we are learning to be okay with that. (It is NOT easy at times- we take it day by day.)
We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God; those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
I am training for a half marathon in November- never thought that I would be doing this. I was just going to stick to "short" runs like 5ks. My goal is getting bigger- a parallel to my faith. Never knew that I could run a race that long. I want to complete it strong... training and living step by step- building my faith daily as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.
My running "relay" team last January!

1 comment:
Oh, Kris. I love you so much! Thanks for writing this out and sharing it and letting me get a peek into what the Lord is continuing to do in your heart and life. You are a dear sister!
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